Why You Should Stop Watching Porn | News World India

Watching Porn is in no doubt addictive and the theme of being a porn star or like a porn star has made several lives miserable.

The porn industry grows bigger by the day as the chains of ‘Supply and Demand’ seem to be never ending. Therefore, there are a lot of people who advocate on the ‘Freedom for Sex’ and its liberation from the social stigma of the society. Ran Gavrieli, here clearly explains how porn is directly related to the human psyche and how it has contributed and increased to the phenomenon of women exploitation.

Watching Porn is in no doubt addictive and the theme of being a porn star or like a porn star has made several lives miserable. Sex, is an expression of love between two people, but the porn industry sets stereotypes of women often playing up the demand for young girls, Asians and black women.

Another drawback highlighted in the video is the size of ‘manhood’. Porn industry has given rise to surgery for a larger penis size claiming it to be more pleasurable for a woman.

Ran Gavrieli explains his concept with a simple example, how many people will sit on the same table with men who have been to brothels? No one, not most of the people, then he further gives an addition to his question, how many people will say no to sit on a table with an established pornstar or a prostitute? Most of them.

Ran Gavrieli quotes “The Porn Industry is a big industry it takes you in and spits you out.” By that he means to say a porn star or a prostitute may enter at their will, but what if they don’t succeed? What if they catch STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)? The numbers clearly show how most of them don’t even reach an average age of 50. Their social life is gone, the feeling of being eaten from inside kills them. Some commit suicide, may they rest in peace but Porn clearly promotes gender exploitation. Nowadays having a big penis and a greater erection is more important than having a laugh or holding hands.

Going on the medical side, a human brain produces dopamine when you watch porn. This hormone goes directly into the brain and is responsible for exciting you, in common terms “When you get hard” it’s because of dopamine. Once you consume porn regularly your body starts producing more and more dopamine. You have the habit of consuming more dopamine than an average man. Let’s say you go to have sex with your girlfriend or wife or anyone, you will not get hard easily and if the situation gets worse you won’t even get hard. That is disappointing and you start believing that you are not good enough. That’s not the truth, the thing happened because you watched too much porn. Doctors say that the situation can get better and you will get healthier in three months, if you just stop watching porn.