The Voice Contestant Christina Grimmie's Killer Identified | NWI

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Late singer Christina Grimmie’s killer has been identified as Kevin James Loibl, 27, from St. Petersburg, Florida.

Grimmie opened for the band Before You Exit at The Plaza Live in Orlando and stayed on afterwards to sign autographs for fans when the attacker — who was carrying two handguns, two loaded magazines and a hunting knife — approached her and opened fire.

During a press conference, Orlando Police chief John Mina said it was likely that the man was a deranged fan and that Grimmie did not know him, reports

ALSO READ: ‘The Voice’ Contestant Christina Shot Dead Outside Orlando Concert

“That would be speculation, but that’s what it’s looking like. There is no indication that he knew her, we are looking into that to try and find a motive for the crime,” Mina said.

He added that police were searching through Loibl’s phone and computer to find a possible motive for the murder.

“He came here to commit this crime and had plans to travel back to where he came from,” Mina added.

However, after Grimmie’s brother tackled Loibl, the killer turned the gun on himself.

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