Scientist Crack The Mystery Behind Birds Flying | News World India

How do birds fly so elegantly?

This is one of the biggest mysteries that science had failed to answer, but now scientists have solved it.

The effortless aerial turns and the soft landing has always been a matter of envy.

Earlier assumptions claimed, birds used a small group of feathers called “the alula” that is present at the bend of the wing.

But according to a recent studies their is a secret small vortex of air that is formed at the tip of the alula feathers.

The study was conducted by a research team of biologists and mechanical engineers at the Seoul National University.

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“It’s not that they cannot fly without the alula.” says Sangim Lee, the author of the paper. “But with the alula they seem to turn more easily”.

Alula has been of great interests and researchs from different scientists at different times, but after multiple researches and attempts to find out the reason for birds easy flying, the scientist have finally solved the mystery.

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