(Photo courtesy: India Water Portal) (Photo courtesy: India Water Portal)
Fishermen in Guwahati catch fish when the wind changes its direction, as the fish comes up on the surface to breathe in the Deepor ‘beel’ (lake)
(Photo courtesy: India Water Portal) (Photo courtesy: India Water Portal)
Kewat is a fishermen community in Assam that feeds about 820 families by catching fish. This fish gives them life, which is why they look after it with complete devotion.
(Photo courtesy: India Water Portal) (Photo courtesy: India Water Portal)
At the end of October, the locals construct ‘Khar bandh’ – a temporary structure made by bamboo sticks across the Khanajan (the channel that carries water from the Brahmaputra to the wetlands), which prevent fish from going out of the lake ‘Deepor beel’.
(Photo courtesy: India Water Portal) (Photo courtesy: India Water Portal)
The wetland is home to hundreds of birds and fish species and hosts many endangered migratory birds during the winter. Unfortunately, toxic waste of industries and hospitals passes through the Bharalu and Kalmoni rivers to the beel, which is resulting into the death of fishes.
(Photo courtesy: India Water Portal) (Photo courtesy: India Water Portal)
Fishing is illegal at the beel now, however dumping hazardous waste isn’t. The state generates about 450 tonnes of waste every day which goes through the beel.
(Photo courtesy: India Water Portal) (Photo courtesy: India Water Portal)
Fishing used to be the only means of livelihood for the people of Keotpara, but it seems to change very soon because of the management.
(Photo courtesy: India Water Portal) (Photo courtesy: India Water Portal)
Villagers have now started rearing pigs for income as fishing becomes illegal in the beel.
(Photo courtesy: India Water Portal) (Photo courtesy: India Water Portal)
People are disappointed after the govt order and have no hope of earning their livelihood from the beel. It is imprudent on the part of authorities to overlook the prime cause that endangers the species rather than stopping the community from fishing.
- Assam
- Deepor beel
- Guwahati