Paris Attacks 13/11: World Stands In Solidarity With France [In Pictures] | News World India

More than 153 people were killed in Paris during multiple terror attacks on Friday.

The attackers targetted a football stadium, where President Francois Hollande was viewing a France-Germany match, Bataclan theatre, where the terrorists burst in, opened fire, took people hostages and, as security forces stormed it, exploded themselves, killing hundreds of civilians.

Soon after the event unfolded, social media was buzzing with images of the terror attack, considered the worst on French soil since World War II. World leaders condemned these attacks and iconic monuments across the world lit up in the colours of the French flag in solidarity and support to the people of France.

(Photo courtesy: @MediaJuggernaut) (Photo courtesy: ‏@melonimatteo) (Photo courtesy: @AirForce_Carl) (Photo courtesy: ‏@kenfarnaso) (Photo courtesy: ‏@kenfarnaso) (Photo courtesy: @artfuIsoul) (‏Photo courtesy: @artfuIsoul)

  • TAGS
  • France
  • ISIS
  • Paris Attacks
  • US
