Ishita Kapai | NWI


When she is in the house, she drinks only Coke. A graduate in English (The Fifty Shades Of Grey variety) from Delhi University, a pot head of the ‘sweet knife’ variety, almost like a coconut – hard on outside but extremely sensitive from within, hates being judged and extremely critical about her own work. The story goes that when this Delhi University girl was found speeding in Noida during her college days, she pretended to be a journalist to get the police off her back. Claims that her girl next door image is available only two days a week, otherwise she is the poison ivy. But then she is the doc and this is what she hums when not in disguise: “Ya boom pineapple wine ya dollar fifty all da time… A young man broke his leg… Old granny broke her back… And Jimmy got a migrane from a falling coconut… The doctor was confused”. Clearly, with Ishita around, the city’s greatest sin was the boom-pine-wine