Gmail's 'Undo Send' Is Finally Available | News World India

Snapshot of ‘Undo Send’ option

After one of the longest experiments of the internet world, tech-giant Google has finally started rolling out “Undo send” for its Gmail service users across the world.

The tech-giant introduced the feature way back in 2009. After spending time of more than six years in the development and lab testing, the Gmail has started providing the life-saving option of “Undo the send.”

However, the latest service will be available for the web version of the Gmail.

How does it work

How to enable Undo Sen,

As the name of the feature suggests, the Undo Send button gives you an option to reverse the mail on your account between 5 to 30 seconds.

The time-period of the reversal depends on the settings of your email account.  Soon after sending the email, you will see an option to reverse the mail.

How to set Undo Send feature

To set the feature, first go on the gear icon located on top right corner of the Gmail screen.  You will find a Undo Send option in the General bar of settings. Users will have to click the tiny box next to “Enable Undo Send.”

Google announced the feature on Monday and started updating all the accounts but it may take time of up to two weeks for it to reach Indian users.