Geeta’s ‘Father’ Confident Of Passing DNA Test | NWI

Indian girl Geeta, comforted by volunteer of EDHI foundation, Karachi. Image courtesy: FB page/Please find Geeta’s home

Days after the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said that the mute girl Geeta, who spent overa decade in Pakistan, would be handed over to the true family in India only after the DNA tests, Geeta’s father, Janardhan Mahato has said that he is ready for the test.

“They can take a DNA test or whatever they want. I am not running anywhere. I will pass the DNA test,” Mahato has reportedly said adding that “he was extremely happy now that Geeta would be returning soon.”

ALSO READ: Stranded For Over 10 Years In Pakistan, Geeta To Return Home On Monday

Geeta was 11 years old when she went missing during a trip to Jalandhar, Pakistan. She is is deaf-mute but can converse by writing in Hindi.

On Friday, MEA had said, “We will be bringing Geeta back to India on October 26. Together with Geeta, we have invited five official family members of Edhi foundation they will be treated as state guest during their stay in India.” MEA official spokesperson Vikas Swarup had said.

ALSO READ: Geeta, Deaf-Mute Girl Stranded In Pakistan, To Return To India On Oct 26: MEA