Chennai Rains: Ola Deploys Boats To Ferry People From Flooded Areas | News World India

As Chennai reeled under heavy rains, Ola and Uber app-based taxi providers came under a lot of fire from people for failure to provide cabs.

However, Ola found a new way to win the trust back- boats. Ola cabs has deployed boats along with professional rowers to ferry people from flooded areas to safety in Chennai. Some people in the Tamil Nadu capital were pleasantly surprised as Ola provided them with boat services, at a time when many parts of the city are under water. Many people thanked Ola on twitter for this unique initiative.

Planning to book #OlaBoat to reach office 2Maro. #chennairains #venkatweetz

— Venkatesh Krishna (@venkatweetz) November 15, 2015

@Dhichkyaaon That isn’t. But we’ve been ferrying people out from water-logged areas in Chennai. #OLABoat

— OLA (@Olacabs) November 17, 2015

So, @Olacabs did send out boats to rescue people trapped in floods. Hats off to the team! #OlaBoat

— Sai Shyam G (@SaiShyamG) November 17, 2015

So…#OlaBoat is a reality! @Olacabs You guys are ‘uber’ cooler… 😛 #ChennaiFloods

— Niveda Manohar (@nivimanohar) November 17, 2015

So @Olacabs did actually start a boat service to aid the rescue. Talk about winning customers #OlaBoat

— Subramaniam (@subru1603) November 17, 2015

Its not a joke anymore , @Olacabs have sent a boat to rescue people. #OlaBoat

— Sathyan KM (@hellosathyan) November 17, 2015