It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time for breast cancer prevention annual campaigns and raise funds.
It’s a month to go pink. It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time for breast cancer prevention annual campaigns and raise funds. Expect loads of events that will take place to raise awareness about the disease.
Common in women, breast cancer is a malignant tumour. Here are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer that people generally tend to ignore.
Warning Signs & Symptoms
- A lump in or near the breast or a mass, which may feel as small as a pea
- Pain in breast
- Change in the shape and size of breast
- Blood-stained discharge from the nipple
- Change in colour of the breast or redness in the skin on the breast or nipple
- A marble-like hardened area under the skin
- Skin in and around nipple might start to peel or flak
- Breast Cancer Awareness
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