Life has become way more complicated. Stress, tension, anxiety, workload and what not, everything is making our life taxing. These emotional, physical, and psychological concerns are not only making our life frazzled, but also hampering sex drive. Yes, people do starve for sex, crave for action between the sheets, but then few things are blocking their way.
The reason behind a stalled libido could be many, stress, tension, physical or emotional. We have already read about the foods that are killing our sex drive, here we bring a list of the 5 biggest libido busters.
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In case you sleep less than six hours, you might be experiencing a low sex drive. Experts say that enough sleep is very important to keep your sex drive boosted. It is believed that if you sleep even for a minimum of six hours, it can lower the testosterone (a sex drive hormone) level. While less sleep is one reason, another could be snoring. If you or your partner snores while sleeping, it will disturb the sleep of the other person in the room. Sleep Apnea is a common disease, wherein you have one or more pauses in breathing while you sleep. This not only disturbs your sleep, but also leads to weight gain and hampers sex life.
This is not just a physical problem, but also is a psychological problem one faces. Putting on weight hampers sexual relationship because fat cells alter the balance of sex hormones in the body. Secondly, fat people often don’t feel confident about themselves in bed due to their body image issues.
Stress is something that not only presently affects your sex drive, but it also hampers the future. Even studies say that if you are upset, stressed or depressed, which can be due to any reason, be that work pressure, argument with spouse or bad sleep, your sex drive will hinder. Also, it can dampen libido in the long run.
People addicted to smoking or drinking habits have a low sex drive, while the ones with a better lifestyle enjoy a good, normal sex drive.
It is good to look at the smartphone if you guys are doing together, but use of technology in bedroom like smartphones, laptops, television and other electronics is surely killing your sex drive. When in room, get into the mood and make the place technology free.
- libido
- Sex & Love
- Sex drive
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