Congress Slams Assam Governor’s ‘Hindustan For Hindus’ Remark | News World India

Slamming Assam Governor P B Acharya for his alleged “divisive remarks”, Congress on Sunday termed his views as “shocking” and said bondage or umblical cords with parent remote organisations, be it RSS or BJP, should be severed after assuming a constitutional post.

“It is clearly indicative of the way RSS and BJP functionaries think and continue to think even when they are in a constitutional post. Bondage or umbilical cords with parent remote organisations, be it RSS and BJP, should be severed when you assume a constitutional post,” Congress spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi told reporters.

“They think they are propagandist or part of a political party even while holding the post of Governor and this is condemnable,” he said.

“If this statement and thinking is right then I think there is no difference betweeen Pakistan and India. When our people give such statments from consitutional posts they rake up theory of 1947 and this is very unfortunate,” he said.

Stressing that no words can condemn the remarks, Singhvi said, “On one hand such statements shock us as they come from the holder of a constitutional post and at the same time they do not not shock us as it is already established that these people have not shun their remote control, fundamentalist thinking even after getting the consitutional position.

Further attacking the BJP, Singhvi said divisiveness is a synonym for the party and it has become its hallmark.

“I have no doubt that divisiveness is a synonym for the BJP. It has become the hallmark, the identity of BJP and so called family members. Divisiveness is your visiting card. But at least it cannot be made the visiting card of constitutional post holder. How can a constitutional post holder like the Governor lend his name to such a visiting card,” he said.

He said the Governor’s remarks reflect the “same philosphy and thinking which is ruling this country today.”

Singhvi said the same ideology and philosophy has led to a culture of absolute divisiveness, intolerance, mutual enmity, trust deficit in the last 18 months and incidents like Dadri.

“You have been hearing from MPs, MLAs, ministers and now from Governor,” he said.

“When Amit Shah talks about Pakistan and when Sangeet Som and Sakshi Maharaj give statements, there is no difference between both statements. I dont think that the Prime Minister has condemned the comments. They (BJP) promote it and and even the council of ministers are silent about it,” he said.
Referring to the result of Bihar elections, the senior

Congress leader said, “The statements of Amit Shah, Sangeet Som, Griraj Singh in Bihar, where you (BJP) insulted the intelligence of electorate, you saw what a political slap you got in the face.

He warned the BJP that if they do not learn the lesson of recent political history then history will be repeated in Assam elections which are slated to be held next year.

Referring to Swaraj Abhiyan leader Prashant Bhushan’s remark that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has embraced corruption by hugging Lalu Prasad Yadav, the Congress leader said one has to understand the political differences.

“We should keep things in balance and we should appreciate the political differences between Bhushan and Kejriwal and their parties. I am not interested in commenting upon them,” he said.

He said Lalu Prasad Yadav has not violated any law by fighting elections. “If you go to share in the joy of momentous occasion of swearing in and if you shake hands, is it fair to treat Lalu Yadav as a political untouchable,” he said.

“Is it fair to deny him the joy of having a council of ministers of his party which has won 90 election seats. I think this is carrying negation of democracy, the negation of rule by majority and it is carrying it too far,” he said.

Stressing that he was talking about fundamental principles, he said if a political party with the single largest number of seats in an Assembly election so keenly fought as in Bihar and strikes in so many seats, it is enormous.