Parveen Dusanj and Kabir Bedi recently tied the knot a few days back. However, their marital journey became the talk of the town soon after.
Parveen Dusanj and Kabir Bedi recently tied the knot a few days back. However, their marital journey became the talk of the town soon after. First it was Pooja Bedi’s Twitter attack on her new mom and then daddy Bedi’s reaction.
Now, it’s finally mommy Parveen Dusanj who has finally broken her silence on the issue. In an interview with Mid-Day, Mrs Bedi was asked about the Pooja’s reaction on their wedding, “Just for the record,” Dusanj says, referring to Pooja’s tweet which she later deleted.
ALSO READ: Pooja Bedi Calls Her New Mom ‘Wicked Witch’, Daddy Kabir Bedi Feels Disappointed
She further added, “the rift between Pooja and Kabir has nothing to do with me. I am being made a scapegoat.”
“It was Kabir’s 70th birthday on January 16. His son Adam [from his second wife, British-born fashion designer Susan Humphreys] and his wife Melissa came down from Los Angeles, his sisters were there and my whole family was down from London too. Since Kabir had asked me to marry him on bended knee at the Spanish Steps in Rome almost five years ago, and I had said yes then, we decided to make everyone happy, and take the plunge spontaneously. Though we didn’t need to… We were happy just the way we were,” she added.
“If one person wants to rain on my parade, I choose to ignore it. It’s hurtful, of course, but I have been raised to be grateful for what I have, and that is helping me ignore this.”
Kabir Bedi and Parveen Dusanj tied the know on January 15, 2016.