Leading car maker Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL) said on Tuesday that anticipating huge rush for servicing of its cars post floods in Chennai, it has sent 150 technicians from different parts of the country here.
In a statement, it also said it has sent two truck loads of spare parts now stored outside Chennai to meet the demand for them.
Maruti Suzuki estimates that over 4,000 cars will be in immediate need of servicing.
As to the type of damages, the auto major estimates around 25 percent of the vehicles would have been fully submerged in the flood water; 42 percent submerged up to seat level and 33 percent up to carpet level.
The company said 11 of its workshops in Chennai were submerged during the floods and hence much effort will be need to make them up and running.
There are 34 dealer workshops in Chennai and 14 Maruti Suzuki authorised workshops.
Noting most of the vehicles may not have comprehensive insurance, it also announced that it would bear up to 50 percent of the repair cost generally not allowed by insurers as depreciation/wear and tear.
“Since many vehicles have been submerged in water, they will need thorough cleaning and polishing inside and outside, MSIL will bear 50 percent of the cost,” the company said.
Incidentally the company is a major insurance intermediary in the country.
According to the company, as per its initial estimates, around Rs.10 crore will be its spent in relief efforts and this expenditure may go up.
The company will also organise a service check-up after two months.