Athiya Shetty, who made her Bollywood debut opposite Suraj Pancholi with the remake of 1983-blockbuster – Hero, turns 22 today. She is fashionable when it comes to her attire, loves to carry casuals too often. Extremely fond of dogs, in her free time she loves to cuddle and play with her dogs.
Here we bring some of her hot and happening pictures.
Daddy’s Girl Athiya Shetty is set to make her Bollywood debut opposite Suraj Pancholi with the remake of 1983-blockbuster – Hero.
Photo: Instagram/ Athiya Shetty
Athiya, is extremely fashionable when it comes to her attaire, loves to carry casuals too often.
Photo: Instagram/ Athiya Shetty
Not many of us know that Athiya is extremely fond of dogs, in free time she loves to cuddle and play with her dogs.
Mumbai: Actress Athiya Shetty during the trailer launch of film Hero, in Mumbai, on July 15, 2015. (Photo: IANS) Photo: IANS
Actress Athiya Shetty during the trailer launch of film Hero, in Mumbai, on July 15, 2015
Mumbai: Actors Sooraj Pancholi and Athiya Shetty during the trailer launch of film Hero, in Mumbai, on July 15, 2015. (Photo: IANS) Photo: IANS
Athiya and Sooraj’s chemistry is absolutely sizzling and the two together make a great fame.
Athiya showed her bold avatar in this cover photo of Filmfare magazine along side her first co-actor Sooraj Pancholi.
In her first cover shoot for ‘Bazaar’ magazine Atiya looked extremely promising and full of confidence, we simply loved her magazine shoot.
Every year Bollywood witnesses a number of star kids making their debut and this year Athiya is all set to take over Bollywood with her great looks and fashion sense.